Measure Chat

creating a platform for digital marketers to engage with peers.

  • 65 members
  • 1 post
  • $187.7/month

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Tip Of The Hat
 / month

Just a general "Thanks" for keeping things going.

Most popular
Cup Of Coffee
 / month

Sometimes you just want to buy a guy a cup of coffee

Logfile Analytics
 / month

There sure is a lot of chatter and it is all being logged. Those channels don't create themselves. Help pay for the log services used.

Pagetag Analytics
 / month

Those tags don't break on their own, someone has to get in there and break them. Help break and un-break things for members.

Data Viz Solution
 / month

So much data, so few pie charts! Help us create pie charts, donut charts, and all your other food named charts.

The Whole Marketing Stack
 / month

We've got marketing budget and we know just how to spend it. Just kidding, we still can't afford the entire suite.

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Measure Chat

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